What are the benefits of a NeptuneLabs user account?

With your NeptuneLabs account, you are able to display and manage all relevant data such as quotes, invoices and company and user account information in one instance. The account offers an overview of your NeptuneLabs licences and enables you to generate your licence keys directly in the Licence section of your account. You are also able to contact our support team directly within the account menu.

UAM Overview

Customer and User Accounts

Customer accounts are set up by NeptuneLabs and the organizations are assigned to corresponding licences, quotes and invoices. Each customer account can have several user accounts linked to it. One user account will be set as user manager. The user manager manages the user accounts and customer data.

Normal user accounts are able to view (but not able to edit) the customer data as well as the data of all users linked to the account. They also can view quotes, invoices and licences as well as generate licence keys.

It is also possible to link one user account to several customers if required.

Existing User Account
If you have already created an account at www.fsi-viewer.com in the past, you can sign in with these credentials without any problem.
Please click the Login button and enter the registered e-mail address and your password in the log in section.

Creating a new account
If you have not created an account before, you can easily create one by entering your e-mail address in the Create a new account section at the Login site.
You will receive an activation e-mail with a link for setting up your password.

Editing user or customer data
The user data can be edited in the User data section. Customer data can only be edited by the User Manager of the corresponding account. If you need to change the name of your customer account or if you would like to delete the customer account of your organisation, please contact support@neptunelabs.com.

User Management

User Manager
The User Manager of an organisation is able to edit the customer data and to add and delete users. If only one user is assigned to a customer, he will be set as User Manager automatically. The User Manager position can be changed in the Members section of the customer data.

Inviting users to a customer account
If you are the user manager, you can easily account co-workers to your customer account. Please click on the customer button in your NeptuneLabs account overview and choose the button Members in the My Company Data section. In this section, you will see an overview of the members assigned to your customer account.
In order to invite a user to your organisation, he will need to create a NeptuneLabs user account in advance. Afterwards, you can send him an invitation mail by clicking the Invite a user button and entering the e-mail address of the corresponding user. You will be notified by e-mail once the user accepts your invitation.

Deleting users from a customer account
Users can only be removed from a customer by the responsible User Manager.
Please click on the customer button in your NeptuneLabs account and choose the button Members in the My Company Data section. In this section, you will see an overview of the members assigned to your organisation.
Alternatively, it is possible to delete your own user account in the account overview. In case the account is assigned to one or more customers, it will be automatically removed from the corresponding customer.

Customer account

Invite a user


In the section Quotes you are able to view your offers and to save them as PDF. The number at the button displays how many quotes are currently assigned to your customer account. Quotes are visible for up to two years, but please keep in mind that the exact product and pricing offer is always only valid for two months after the quote is created.



The section Invoices lists the invoices of your customer account. The right number at the button displays the total amount of invoices issued to your customer account and the left number informs you about the amount of images that are due yet. By clicking on the button, you can check the due date and the payment status as well as view and save them as PDF. Please note that only invoiced issued after January 1st, 2013 are visible in your customer account.



The section Your Licences displays information about every licence that is assigned to your customer account. You able the view licence information such as the status of your software maintenance, the Licence Request Data or FQDN assigned to the licence and various other information. Additionally, you are able to generate your licence keys directly in the user account interface.


Licence groups
In the section Licence Groups all licences which are assigned to your customer account are visible. Coherent licences are displayed as one group. Within this section you are able to generate the licence keys by clicking the button Get Licence Key(s). By clicking on the button Get support for this licence you will be forwarded to the Get Support section and the request form will be pre-filled with the relevant licence group information.

The licence group list displays information about:

  • Code: the NeptuneLabs product code of the licence
  • Title: the name of the product the licence contains
  • Mirror: shows if the licence is a mirror licence
  • Maint. Ends: if software maintenance is purchased for this licence, the expiry date is visible
  • Expires: displays if a stop date for the licence is set
  • PID: the unique product ID of the licence


The licence groups can be sorted by each of the above-mentioned information.
By double clicking on the selected licence group, the group content is displayed. As an additional information, the associated licence group ID is visible in the top section. Below the General information section the individual licences of the licence group are displayed. You are able to make internal notes in the Properties section on the bottom of the page.


By double clicking on the licence group selected, you are able to view the individual licences of the group.
By clicking on the button Get support for this licence you will be forwarded to the Get Support section and the request form will be pre-filled with the relevant licence information.

The licence list contains the following information:


  • PID: the unique product ID of the licence
  • Licensee: the name of the licensee


  • Code: the NeptuneLabs product code of the licence
  • Title: the name of the product the licence contains


  • Maintenance Ends: if software maintenance is purchased for this licence, the expiry date is visible

Licence Properties

  • Stop Date: displays if a stop date for the licence is set
  • NFR: displays if the licence is Not For Resale
  • NonProfit: displays if the licence is assigned to a Non Profit organization
  • Mirror: shows if the licence is a mirror licence
  • Staging: shows if the licence is just meant to be used for staging purpose
  • Properties: displays various properties as the amount of images, source connectors and groups allowed

Licence Key

  • Licence Request Data: contains the unique LRD of your machine, can be found in the Licence tab of your FSI Server web interface
  • Hostname: shows the hostname of the current machine
  • Active Version: shows on which version the key is currently used
  • Last Generated: displays the last date the key was generated


If you double click on a selected licence, you are able to see the corresponding information. The General section shows the PID and the Licensee name. The Product section contains the product relevant information and the Maintenance Section the software maintenance status. The Licence Properties part displays the stop date (if set) and whether the licence type is a Trial Licence, NFR (Not For Resale) or Non-Profit. If the licence is a mirror-licence or if it is used as a staging licence in a non-productive environment, the boxes Mirror or Staging are set. Properties display licence edition relevant information such as the amount of images that the licence is limited to. In the Licence Key section, the FQDN the licence is assigned to or the Licence Request Data of the machine is displayed.

If you have a FSI Server 2016 or FSI Server 2018 licence, the Licence Request Data field can be edited in order to define the machine on which the software will be installed. This field is empty by default. If the Licence Request Data field is empty or the code is invalid, you are not able to generate the licence key. The Licence Request Data can be found in the Licence tab of your FSI Server web interface.

Generating licence keys
Licence keys can be generated in the licence group overview by clicking the Get Licence Key(s) button. You can either view each licence content (for copying & pasting into the licence file), download the .xml file or view the readme which shows several installation information. You are also able to download all licence group keys as a ZIP archive.


Support Tickets

Within the section Support Tickets you can contact our support team without providing any further contact information since the request will be assigned to your user account.
You can keep track of the current status of your ticket and see if one of our support team has already read it.
Usually, your tickets are only visible to yourself. If you would like to share your tickets with the other members of your customer account, you need to check the checkbox I want to share my support tickets with all users belonging to this customer account which you can find in your User Data section.

You are also able to get support for specific licence groups or licences if you click on the Get support for this licence in the corresponding section.


What happens if I lose or forget my password?

Please click Login and choose the Can’t remember your password? link situated below the Login field and enter your e-mail address. We will send you an e-mail containing a link to recover your password.

How do I change my e-mail address/ password?

You can edit your user data by clicking on the button with your e-mail address (your user account name). Within this field, you can change your normal user data as well as your e-mail address and your password. If you would like to change your e-mail address, an activation e-mail will be sent to the new address listed. Please click the link in this mail in order to complete the e-mail address change.

I have accidently deleted my account. How can I recover it?

Please create a new account and contact your user manager and ask him to invite you to your customer account. If your account was the user manager account of your organisation, please contact support@neptunelabs.com after setting up your user account again. We will add you to the corresponding customer.

What should I do in case I need to switch my hardware?

Products prior to FSI Server 2016:
Since the licences are not machine bound but FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) bound, you can move to a new hardware without changing the licence key.

FSI Server 2016 licences:
With the introduction of FSI Server 2016, our licence key system has changed. The old licence versions were bound to the FQDN, the new licences are machine bound, i.e. that the licence depends on the machine it is installed on. Our new licensing system was built for easier and faster licensing. The new machine licences will replace the old FQDN bound licences.

If you need to switch the hardware FSI Server is installed on, please install the FSI Server version on your new system and copy the Licence Request Data which you can find in the Licence tab of your FSI Server web interface into the Licence Request Data field of the corresponding licence in your NeptuneLabs account.

In order to prevent unauthorised licence generation, you can only change the Licence Request Data and generate the licence data several times until it will be blocked. In that case, please contact support@neptunelabs.com to reset the licence generate count.

My licence has expired, what can I do?

In case your licence has expired, please contact our sales team at sales@neptunelabs.com which will be happy to help you. Nevertheless, you are able to extend your existing licence for 7 days by clicking on the Get Licence Key(s) button in the licence menu of your account, in order to ensure having a valid licence even if your licence e.g. expires on a weekend or during the holiday season.