NeptuneLabs FAQ

Can I link to my shop on an article?

The Hyperlink Editor in the Publish as FSI Pages tab of the FSI Server Web Interface allows you to add overlays with advanced information on your products easily and enables you to directly link to your shop as well if required.

Do the catalogs function on every device?

FSI Pages is based on HTML5 and JavaScript and compatible with desktop devices, desktops with touch displays and most smartphones and tablets.

Which types of effects are available?

A complete list of the image effects can be found in the FSI Server Manual.

Can I upload PDFs of my catalog to use it with the viewer?

If your publication is a PDF, you need to convert the document into images beforehand. This can be accomplished with software like Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Photoshop.

How do I get FSI Viewer?

FSI Viewer is part of our dynamic imaging server solution, FSI Server. By purchasing the server, you have access to our several responsive JavaScript viewers as well. You can test a full-feature version here.

Does the slideshow work on every device?

FSI ThumbBar is based on HTML5 and JavaScript and compatible with desktop devices, desktops with touch displays and most smartphones and tablets.

How do I get FSI Showcase?

FSI Showcase is part of our imaging server, FSI Server. After purchasing the software, you are able to use all incorporated viewers.

What does Single Source Imaging mean?

With using Single Source Imaging you only have to provide a single high-resolution source image for each image used on a website. The Imaging Server dynamically generates all required image resolutions and image sections based on the source image – simply by changing the URL! You can use the convenient web interface to adjust the image to your liking and then just need to implement the image URL into your website. You can change the height, width, format and quality just by changing the part in the image url or add effects and perform corpping by adding the commands to the URL – the image is instantly changed, dynamically and on the fly!

Read more about Dynamic Single Source Imaging here.

What does Source Connector mean?

A source connector (formerly called importer profile) defines a directory containing the assets to publish.
All files in this directory and its subfolders are made available for use with FSI Server.

There are three different Source Connectors types:

  • Storage: images are imported to storage for high performance (like in previous versions)
  • Multi-resolution: dynamically serve multi-resolution images
  • Static: serve static files, like PDF documents, videos and alike
What does ‘FSI’ stand for?

FSI stands for Flashbased Singlesource Image and is an abbreviation which was created for the first viewer we have developed (FSI Viewer = Flashbased Singlesource Image Viewer).
Nowadays it simply serves as the name of our products since we do not solely offer Flash based viewers anymore.

Why are there different amounts of groups in the FSI Server editions? What can I do with them?

Users are managed in groups and then the groups are used to define the access permissions.

One can define if certain groups only have access to certain connector, the read and write permissions of each connector and if a user or group can only publish certain viewers.

This is especially of interest for customers who would like to use the server as ASP (Application Service Provider) version.

NeptuneLabs products End Of Update/ End Of Life

The FSI Server version lifecycles are always connected with the lifecycle of last compatible major version of Oracle Java SE.

If a product reaches its EOU, that means that:

  • we will not publish new minor updates for the particular version anymore
  • it will not be possible to generate additional FSI Server 2 or additional corresponding viewer keys if required
  • support will still be offered in regards of troubleshooting
  • if an occurring problem would require a complete new minor update after the product reached EOU, we will not be able to provide a solution. Updating to the next major version of the product will of course always be possible.
FSI Server Version Last compatible Java Version EOU Date
1 6 Feb 2013
2 7 Apr 2015

FSI Viewer 1, 2 and 3 have reached their End Of Life and are not supported anymore.

How do I get FSI Pages?

FSI Pages is included in FSI Server.

Do I have to buy each viewer separately?

With the release of FSI Server 2016, all JavaScript and Flash based viewers are now automatically included in the FSI Server product. You can benefit from all image presentation options right away without purchasing each viewer separately.

Does FSI Viewer function on every device?

FSI Viewer is based on HTML5 and JavaScript and compatible with desktop devices, desktops with touch displays and most smartphones and tablets.

How do I implement the catalog?

After the installation of FSI Server, just upload you pictures in FSI Server, choose “FSI Pages” in the ‘Publish to Web’ Tab and adjust the viewer to your liking. Afterwards, just copy the HTML code which is displayed and paste it into your website in order to implement the viewer.

Does hover zoom function on every device?

FSI QuickZoom is based on HTML5 and JavaScript. It works as a hover/mouse-over zoom on desktop devices, if you use a touch-enabled device like a smartphone, simply move the finger over the image to zoom the corresponding section.

Does TouchZoom work on every device?

FSI TouchZoom is based on HTML5 and JavaScript and works on if you pinch zoom into a website – therefore, it is activated on desktops with touch displays, smartphones and tablets.

What is the difference between minor and major updates?

Minor updates may add additional functionality to FSI Viewer or fix some known issues and are available for free. A minor update increases the 2nd or 3rd digit in the version number, e.g. version 4.0.6 to version 4.1.5.

Major Updates increase the first number of the version number, e.g. version 4.1.5 to version 5.0.0 and contain new features and functionality that has not been implemented before.

You can check your current FSI Viewer version by enabling the debug window.

Can I change how the viewer looks like?

FSI QuickZoom offers two types of zoom: When hovering over a single source image provided by FSI Server, the part of the image the cursor is currently pointing at will be displayed enlarged within the image or, alternatively, in a zoom window next to the original image. The zoom window can be adapted with various parameters.

Can I change the look of the grid?

The FSI ImageGrid design is very flexible, you can change the look by using CSS to adapt it to your liking.

How do I get FSI ImageGrid?

All of our viewers are part of our imaging server software, called FSI Server.

How do I get FSI TouchZoom for my website?

FSI TouchZoom is included in our imaging server solution FSI Server. If you purchase FSI Server, you are able to benefit from the image management qualities as well as from the incorporated viewers.

Can I use the viewers without FSI Server?

All FSI Viewers are included in the FSI Server product.
The concept of dynamic single source imaging allows a single high-resolution image to be used to retrieve images in different sizes based on that single high-resolution image. FSI Server Software provides the necessary functionality to scale, rotate and/or enhance any image before delivering it to the user. In contrast to normal Webserver Software, where each image has to be stored once in every resolution needed (e.g. Thumbnails and alike), FSI Server Software creates each image requested on the fly.

Due to the different possible magnification states for each image displayed in FSI Viewer, FSI Server Software is mandatory.

Is it possible to upgrade the licence later?

Yes. Its possible to upgrade your licence from i.e. Small Business Editon to Professional Edition or higher any time. In this case, updating to the latest major version is mandatory.

Which image types can I use for the zoom viewer?

You can upload .jpeg, .tif and .png files to the server and publish them as zoom image.

Can I change the look of the slideshow?

The FSI ThumbBar design is very minimalist – but you can change the look with the parameters which allow you to decide if you would like to have the slideshow horizontal or vertical, if you want to have the scrollbar enabled, if the slideshow should look flat or should be displayed with a ring scroll. Furthermore, with the API it is also possible to use an external skin as displayed here.

Can I combine FSI TouchZoom with the Hover Zoom or Zoom and Pan?

You can load both viewer scripts in your site and choose to use the Hover Zoom (FSI QuickZoom) on normal desktop computers and FSI TouchZoom on touch-enabled devices. You can also decide to use FSI Viewer on desktop and FSI TouchZoom on mobile devices.

Can I change the skin of the zoom and pan viewer?

FSI Viewer comes with three basic and minimalist skins. All skins are based on CSS and can be adapted to fit your corporate design in no time! With the API, you can also connect external controls and tailor the viewer to your specific needs.

Can I change the skin of the catalog?

FSI Pages skins are based on CSS and can be adapted to fit your corporate design in no time!

Do you offer an installation service?

If you are unsure about the installation of FSI Server Software on your machine, we offer a remote installation service.
Please use our contact form to send us a message.

Which file types can I upload to FSI Server?

You can upload .jpeg, .tif and .png files to the server and publish them as Single Source Image or with the viewers.

You can also store videos or other file types like .pdf, .zip, .xml on the server and simply access them by an URL.

How do I get FSI ThumbBar?

All of our viewers are part of our imaging server software, called FSI Server.

What is Software Maintenance?

FSI Software Maintenance guarantees free access to major and minor software updates for NeptuneLabs products. The Software Maintenance is automatically included for the first 12 months after the software is purchased. Afterwards, a renewal of the Software Maintenance is available at an annual maintenance fee of 20% of the total software licence value.
Your Maintenance can be prolonged after it has expired. The cost of maintenance depends on the licence and add-ons purchased.

If you choose a Monthly Rental licence, Software Maintenance is always included.

What do I need to implement the Single Source Imaging functionality into my website?

The Single Source Imaging functionality is included in FSI Server, our powerful and fast dynamic imaging server solution which enables you to manage your website images and deliver them easily in various dimensions or with our responsive zoom, spin, gallery and catalog viewers.

Does the grid work on every device?

Since FSI ImageGrid is based on HTML5 and JavaScript, it works on desktop devices, smartphones and tablets.

How do I get the hover zoom?

FSI QuickZoom is part of our image server software, FSI Server.

Does the showcase function on every device?

FSI Showcase is based on HTML5 and JavaScript and compatible with desktop devices, desktops with touch displays and most smartphones and tablets.

Can I combine the hover zoom with other viewers?

You can load both viewer scripts in your site and choose to use the Hover Zoom (FSI QuickZoom) on normal desktop computers and FSI TouchZoom on touch-enabled devices. You can also decide to use FSI QuickZoom on desktop and FSI Viewer on mobile devices.

Can I switch from a Monthly Rental licence to a Full Licence anytime?

Yes, you can switch to a full licence at the end of each month without problems.