The FSI Pages mobile application brings the core functionality of FSI Pages to Apple iOS and Google Android based mobile devices which do not support the Adobe Flash tm Plug-in. In contrast to FSI Pages which requires the Adobe tm Flash Plug-in, FSI Pages mobile is based on JavaScript and does not require the Adobe tm Flash Plug-in. Images will be displayed according to the way the mobile device is held (horizontal/vertical) using the single source imaging capabilities of FSI Server. FSI Pages mobile offers touch screen support.

Safari or Google Chrome Browser
FSI Server 2.0

How to embed FSI Pages mobile

The standard request to load FSI Pages is as follows:[more_parameters]

The related request to load FSI Pages mobile would be:[more_parameters]


Please note the “fsi.swf” is replaced by the path of your FSI Pages mobile installation, which is “applications/pagesmobile/” in the FSI Viewer folder.
Changing images on the image server will be visible for the end user immediately, as images are loaded on request and are not embedded into the application in contrast to other apps for mobile devices.

FSI Pages Mobile uses the same configuration files and parameters as FSI Pages, but due to technical limitations not all parameters are supported. Unsupported parameters will be ignored by FSI Pages mobile, thus it does not require additional configurations to publish your images on mobile devices as well.

Please refer to the FSI Pages parameter list to see whether a certain parameter is supported by FSI Pages mobile.