Please note: Adding users before connecting to the proper application will add users to FSI Administrator only. If you like to add a user to FSI Server, you need to connect to FSI Server first.
Adding users to FSI Server
After connecting to FSI Server (make sure the FSI Server logo is displayed at the top) you can start to add users and define custom viewers (ASP Editions only).
The easiest way to create a new user is to click on “New Account” and choose one of the options being offered.
Custom FSI Viewer settings
After connecting to FSI Server (make sure the FSI Server logo is displayed at the top) you can start to add users and define custom viewers (ASP Editions only).
The default FSI Viewer usually resides in /fsi/viewer. When assigning a custom viewer to a certain user, the default FSI Viewer folder is copied to fsi/users/username/viewer. When the user logs in to the webinterface of FSI Server, the HTML Code generated will use the new FSI Viewer path.
Please note that a custom user FSI Viewer can not be updated using FSI Administrator for different reasons. To install a custom skin for a certain user, please click on the “Skins” link below FSI Viewer, choose the user and upload the ZIP file containing the skin files. The interface will display wether each skin contains an intro and FSI Pages skin as well.
Adding licences
Please ensure the right licence is entered in the _default.xml of the user viewers folder. You can not install a user licence using FSI Administrator. Licences installed in FSI Server using FSI Administrator cover the default FSI Viewer.
If a custom user FSI Viewer does not contain a licence in the .xml configuration files, the FSI Viewer will request the licence of default FSI Server, which will answer with the default FSI Viewer licence.